S1614A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to enhance protections against the importation, and transport between States, of injurious species, and for other purposes

Bans transport between the states of injurious species and creates presumptive ban on import of all non-native species. 

1st & 2nd reading - Environment and Public Works 5/16/23

The following is a list of bills that have been introduced or will be introduced. This list is not all inclusive.  These bills pertain to the ownership of exotic and wild animals for the 2023 Legislative Session. It is updated as of 5/20/23.

Federal bills

HR5999/s 3220Traveling Exotic animal act

Bans exotic and wild animals in traveling animal acts.

Not yet introduced for 2023-24 session

HR3135/s 1588Captive primate SAFETY ACT

Bans ownership of all nonhuman primates along with public contact.

Not yet introduced for 2023-24 session

S626Lacey act amendments of 2021

Bans transport between the states of injurious species and creates presumptive ban on import of all non-native species. 

Not yet introduced for 2023-24 session